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What we know from our years of experience with our dogs and their families is that dogs fill a unique role in our lives, and are beneficial in so many ways.  Some of these Ways Include:

~ Reducing Anxiety and Depression

~ Providing Unconditional Love

~ Enhancing social interactionss and engagement

~ Help Reduce stress-induced pain

These are just some of the many Benefits dogs can provide!

Doodlebug Dreams is a program designed for those with a demonstrated need, including but not limited to those with: mental illness, physical illness, veterans, and many other situations and conditions. 

We are Now accepting applications for this program, and will be donating a puppy to a deserving person/family. 


If you or someone you know would like to submit an application for this program, send us an email by clicking the link below. 

Please Include the Following information:

~  Your Name

~  Phone Number

~  State of Residence

~  Tell us a little about you

~  Why should you be considered for this program?

~  What do you plan to use the dog for? (Service dog, therapy dog, emotional support dog, companion)

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